Santa Croce in Gerusalemme

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Nave and Vault
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3Vc23765 3Vd98456 3Ve98765 3Va56345 3Vb54367
3Fe67892 3Fd98346 3Fc76854 3Ff34765 3Fa87345

Sanctuary and Apse
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PICT0201 4k579045 4e423879 4f643968 4g723697

Altars and Chaples

Funerary Monuments

Santa Croce in Gerusalemme is a church dedicated to the True Cross, built to house the Passion Relics brought to Rome by St Helena.

(For reference, a plan of the church is available here. )


The church was consecrated about 325, in an older building that was rebuilt to house the relics. The floor was packed with soil from the Holy Land. It was at first known as the Basilica of Helena or Basilica Sessoriana (after the imperial palace that the site belonged to), but the official name was Hierusalem. The present name was given to it in the Middle Ages.

It was restored by Pope Gregory II (715-731) and Pope Hadrian I (771-795).

In 1049, the church was given to the Benedictines of Monte Cassino. They moved to San Sebastiano fuori le Mura in 1062, and the Canons Regular of San Frediano of Lucca were installed by Pope Alexander II.

The Canons of the church had it rebuilt in the Romanesque style during the pontificate of Lucius II (1144-1145).

While the papacy was based in Avignon, in the 14th century, the church was abandoned. In 1370, a few years before the papacy returned to Rome, Pope Urban V handed it over to the Carthusians. They restored the church, especially during the periods when Pedro Gonzales de Mendoza and Bernardino L-pez de Carvajal were titulars of the church, respectively in 1484-1493 and 1495-1523.

In 1561, the Carthusians were transferred to Santa Maria degli Angeli, and Lombard Cistercians from the congregation of San Bernardo were installed. They still serve the church, but the monastery once connected to the church has been converted into barracks.

Pope Benedict XIV had it rebuilt in the Baroque style between 1741 and 1744. The architects were Domenico Gregorini and Pietro Passalacqua. The roads that Pope Sixtus V had planned in the early 16th century, linking Santa Maria Maggiore, San Giovanni in Laterano and this church, were finally completed at this time.

Related Links: from Roman Churches Wiki
from Wikipedia

Location: 41° 53' 17" N, 12° 30' 57" E

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